Uchida Yoku Kan San Kachinpi Han Ge 500g Uchida Traditional Chinese Medicine Extract Granules
Prescription Description
Uchida's Yoku Kan San Kachinpi Han Ge extract granules are granulated for easy intake, following traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions by combining and extracting herbal ingredients.
Usage and Dosage
Take the following dose three times a day before or between meals:
(1) One spoonful provided is approximately 1g.
(2) When administering to children, ensure supervision and guidance from parents.
(3) For infants under 1 year old, prioritize medical consultation, and administer only when necessary.
Adults (15 years and older): 2.5g
Under 15 years old, above 7 years old: 2/3 of adult dose
Under 7 years old, above 4 years old: 1/2 of adult dose
Under 4 years old, above 2 years old: 1/3 of adult dose
Under 2 years old: Less than 1/4 of adult dose
Ingredients and Components
Per 7.5g:
Yoku Kan San Kachinpi Extract: 3.15g
(Han Ge 2.5g, Byakujutsu, Bukuryo each 2g, Senkyu, Chinpi, Toki, Choto Ko each 1.5g, Saiko 1g, Kanzo 0.75g)
Additives: Lactose hydrate, Barley starch, Magnesium aluminometasilicate
Pharmacological Effects
(Note) "Gynecological disorders" refer to psychological and physical symptoms such as mental anxiety and irritability that appear during hormonal fluctuations in women, such as menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, and menopause.