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Orengedokuto Extract Granules A

Orengedokuto Extract Granules A

Regular price $18.00 USD
Regular price $18.00 USD Sale price $18.00 USD
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かゆみ めまい 不眠症 二日酔

Orengedokuto Extract Granules A《Tsumura Kampo》

Japanese:黄連解毒湯 Orengedokuto
Chinese:黃連解毒湯 Huánglián jiědú tāng

Internal capacity

20 packets

Prescription commentary

This herbal medicine is used for eczema with itching.

It is especially suitable for those with a flushed and red face.

In Chinese medicine, heat in the body is considered to aggravate symptoms such as irritation as well as itchy skin.

Huanglian Antidote cools down body heat and improves symptoms such as irritation as well as eczema, which is aggravated by hot flashes.


Take the following dosages with water or warm water before a meal.

15 years and over
1 packet
7 years old and over and under 15 years old
2/3 packet
4 years old and over and under 7 years old
1/2 packet
2 years old and over and under 4 years old
1/3 packet
Less than 2 years
Do not use

Ingredient name/ingredient display

2 packets (3.75 g) of this medicine contain 0.75 g of Orengedokuto extract of the following mixed crude drugs;

Ingredients Quantity
JP Scutellaria Root 1.5 g
JP Coptis Rhizome 1.0 g
JP Gardenia Fruit 1.0 g
JP Phellodendron Bark 0.75 g

(JP: The Japanese Pharmacopoeia) Inactive ingredients: JP Magnesium Stearate, JP Lactose Hydrate.

Medicinal effect

Following symptoms in red-faced persons with moderate or more physical strength who get hot flashes easily and become irritated and restless easily: Nosebleed, insomnia, neurosis, gastritis, hangover, chi-no-michi-sho*, dizziness, palpitation, menopausal disorders, eczema/dermatitis, itching, and stomatitis. *Chi-no-michi-sho is a generic term of neuropsychiatric symptoms such as anxiety and irritation and physical symptoms due to fluctuation of female.







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