What is Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?
Erectile Dysfunction, commonly referred to as ED, denotes the inability to achieve a sufficient erection for sexual intercourse or the inability to maintain an erection, preventing sexual activity. Recently, ED has gained recognition as a term for male infertility, contributing to increased awareness in this field.
The prevalence of ED symptoms tends to increase with aging. Lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia, along with factors like stress, smoking, and alcohol consumption, are associated with the onset of ED. Additionally, disruptions in neural transmission, inflammation or enlargement of the prostate, varicocele, and damage to the pelvic area or spinal cord due to surgery, injury, or trauma are also considered potential causes.
Understanding Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Approach

Firstly, let's understand that traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) differs from conventional over-the-counter drugs we commonly purchase for symptoms like fever. While the latter focuses on treating specific symptoms like high fever, TCM aims to restore the body's balance to improve overall well-being. It's like addressing imbalances in a forest rather than treating a single sick tree.
Western Medical Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
The treatment for ED varies depending on the underlying cause. For functional (psychogenic) ED, counseling is often the primary approach. In cases of organic ED, pharmacological therapy is employed, utilizing medications like Viagra (generic name: Sildenafil), Levitra (generic name: Vardenafil), and Cialis (generic name: Tadalafil) to facilitate erection by promoting blood flow to the genital area.
When considering pharmacological therapy, it is crucial to carefully assess compatibility with any pre-existing medical conditions or medications already being taken. Therefore, self-administration of ED improvement drugs obtained through online sales or personal importation should be avoided, and medical guidance should be sought.
TCM's Holistic View of Body and Mind:
TCM recognizes the intricate link between physical and mental health, often considering emotional well-being in prescriptions. The body is categorized into five elements, each with unique functions, diverging conceptually from their Western medicine counterparts.
While traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is not directly used as a means of treating ED, it is sometimes incorporated as an adjunctive option to promote overall health in ED therapy.
It's essential to note that TCM is not designed as a remedy to induce erections directly. However, in the context of ED treatment, improving overall well-being and creating a body that is more prone to achieving erections is crucial. This is where TCM comes into play.
TCM, an ancient healing tradition originating from China, has been employed to balance the body and enhance overall health. For instance, herbal formulations like "Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang" are known for their effectiveness in addressing weakness and fatigue. By optimizing general health through such TCM remedies, there may be a potential improvement in ED.
Even though TCM may not directly stimulate erections, it can serve as a supportive element in the overall improvement of ED.
Consistent daily intake of TCM can contribute to enhancing one's constitution. When necessary, combining this with the immediate effects of ED medications is advisable.
The Role of "Kidney" in Sexual Function:

In TCM, sexual function is primarily regulated by the "Kidney" element. The depletion of the "Kidney" after ejaculation is believed to lead to dysfunction, emphasizing the importance of replenishment to maintain overall well-being.
Understanding "Kidney Deficiency (腎虚):
A state of deficiency in the "Kidney," termed "Kidney Deficiency" (腎虚), is a key concept in TCM. This deficiency is associated with decreased energy after ejaculation and is a common consideration in the treatment of male sexual dysfunction.
In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), functions related to the urinary and reproductive systems, as well as the kidneys, which involve growth, development, and reproduction, are collectively referred to as "Shen." A decline or deficiency in the function of "Shen" is considered as "Kidney Deficiency" (*腎虚*). The "Kidneys" are intricately connected to various bodily functions, and it is believed that a state of "Kidney Deficiency" can manifest in various symptoms of deterioration. One of these symptoms is believed to be Erectile Dysfunction (ED).
Introducing 3 Effective TCM for ED
Explore TCM remedies for Erectile Dysfunction (ED), where the focus is on tonifying the "Kidney" to address the root causes and provide long-term improvement rather than immediate effects.
③ Saiko-ka-ryukotsu-borei-to (柴胡加竜骨牡蛎湯)
This formula, also known as a herbal remedy for improving mental focus, is used for ED associated with stress, anxiety, or insomnia. Caution is advised for individuals with diarrhea tendencies.
[Effects and Benefits of Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang]
[Side Effects and Precautions of Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang]
・An infant under 3 months old
Possible side effects may include the following symptoms:
・Skin rash, redness, itching
Rarely, the following serious symptoms may occur:
・Interstitial pneumonia
・Liver dysfunction
④ Keishi-ka-ryukotsu-borei-to (桂枝加竜骨牡蛎湯)
Similar to the previous formula, this remedy is suitable for individuals with a constitution prone to deficiency, addressing ED caused by mental stress. It emphasizes the importance of considering the individual's constitution in TCM treatments.
[Effects and Benefits of Gui Zhi Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang]
[Side Effects and Precautions of Gui Zhi Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang]
・An infant under 3 months old
Possible side effects may include the following symptoms:
・Skin rash, redness, itching
[Severe Side Effects] ... While rare, please exercise caution for early symptoms:
⑥ Hochuekkito(補中益気湯)
This herbal formula aims to replenish the vital life energy known as "Qi." It is recommended for those feeling fatigued and lacking energy for sexual activities due to a busy lifestyle, without burdening the digestive system.
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang has the effect of enhancing the function of the digestive system, improving appetite, and making it easier to store energy. Therefore, if a decrease in sexual desire is attributed to energy deficiency, the improvement of appetite leads to restored vitality. This is why it is considered effective for conditions like Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and intermittent loss of erection.
[Effects and Benefits of Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang]
[Side Effects and Precautions of Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang]
・Skin rash, redness, itching
Rarely, the following serious symptoms may occur:
・Interstitial pneumonia
・Liver dysfunction
Other things that matter
ED requires a comprehensive approach, not limited to traditional Chinese medicine. While herbal remedies may take time or face challenges in certain cases, they don't directly cure ED. To maximize the effectiveness of herbal treatments, consider combining them with:
- Taking ED medications (PDE5 inhibitors)
- Moderate exercise
- Balanced diet
- Smoking cessation
A holistic strategy involving these four elements is crucial for improvement. Let's strive for enhancement by incorporating all of the above.
Disclaimer: This blog post is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. As with any supplement or medication, individuals should consult their healthcare professional prior to usage, as it's important to consider potential risks and benefits in each unique case. Additionally, If you experience any allergic reactions, consult a healthcare professional before attempting any traditional medicine or herbal remedies.