Can Hair Loss be Addressed with Traditional Chinese Medicine!?

When it comes to the causes of hair loss, excessive secretion of male hormones leading to Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA) is well-known, especially in men.
While AGA is indeed a common cause of hair loss and thinning hair, other factors such as irregular eating habits, stress, sleep, and smoking are also believed to play a role.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the causes of hair loss are categorized into three types: blood deficiency, qi deficiency, and kidney decline. TCM offers specific herbal remedies for each cause, tailored to individual constitution.
How Does Traditional Chinese Medicine Approach the Causes of Hair Loss?
While TCM aims to improve hair loss, its approach to understanding the causes differs from Western medicine.
How does TCM interpret the causes of hair loss?
① Cause of Hair Loss 1: Blood Deficiency
'Blood deficiency' refers to the condition of insufficient blood. Traditionally, there has been a deep connection between blood and hair, with hair believed to be formed from the excess of blood. Poor blood circulation makes it difficult for nutrients to reach the hair, resulting in increased hair loss. Therefore, for hair loss attributed to blood deficiency, herbal remedies that replenish blood are considered suitable.
② Cause of Hair Loss 2: Qi Deficiency

Hair loss is not solely caused by aging. In modern society, stress is a significant factor leading to hair loss, affecting individuals even in their 20s. According to TCM, continuous stress can lead to a state of 'qi deficiency,' where the vital energy 'qi' becomes insufficient due to the dominance of the sympathetic nervous system, resulting in poor blood circulation. Stress-induced hair loss can create a vicious cycle, as worrying about hair loss can contribute to additional stress. For those in a state of qi deficiency due to stress, herbal remedies that supplement qi are recommended.
③ Cause of Hair Loss 3: Kidney Decline
In TCM, hair loss is believed to occur when there is a decline in the function of the 'kidneys.' In this context, 'kidneys' refer not to the organs but to the functions that govern reproduction, growth, and aging. These kidney functions are associated with essential aspects of human vitality, immune function, and natural healing. When kidney function declines, aging phenomena such as hair loss and graying may occur. In such cases, herbs that support kidney function are recommended.
4 Recommended Traditional Chinese Medicines for Hair Loss Prevention!
There are various types of TCM remedies suitable for blood deficiency, qi deficiency, and kidney decline, which are considered causes of hair loss. This article introduces six representative remedies.
In this article, we will introduce representative remedies for each: blood deficiency, qi deficiency, and kidney decline.
① Danggui Shaoyao San (当帰芍薬散)
Danggui Shaoyao San is often prescribed in TCM for individuals with poor blood circulation and feeling cold.
It is believed to have the effect of warming the body and improving blood circulation.
With improved blood circulation, nutrients are more likely to reach the scalp, ensuring better nutrition.
Recommended for:
1. Those with poor blood circulation
2. Those troubled by body chill
② Saiko-ka-ryukotsu-borei-to (柴胡加竜骨牡蛎湯)
Saiko-ka-ryukotsu-borei-to has the effect of calming the nerves and soothing the mind by alleviating a state of nervous excitement.
It is suitable for those who feel uneasy due to frequent stress.
While it is ideal to find personal stress-relieving methods, not everyone can achieve this. In such cases, Saiko-ka-ryukotsu-borei-to can be a helpful solution.
Recommended for:
1. Those busy every day and nervous about small things
2. Individuals feeling melancholic or struggling with forgetfulness
③ Keishi-ka-ryukotsu-borei-to (桂枝加竜骨牡蛎湯)
Keishi-ka-ryukotsu-borei-to is effective for those in a state of nervousness, feeling melancholic, experiencing forgetfulness, or suffering from weak qi.
Recommended for:
1. Those sensitive to minor details
2. Individuals feeling melancholic or struggling with forgetfulness
Hochu-ekki-to is a TCM remedy that improves the function of the stomach and intestines, assisting in the recovery of physical strength.
It is used for poor appetite, fatigue, weak stomach, and recovery of physical strength after illness.
When the function of the stomach and intestines is impaired, no matter how nutritious the food is, absorption into the body becomes inefficient. Hochu-ekki-to is expected to restore the stomach and intestines to a healthy state, enabling efficient digestion and absorption of nutrients.
Disclaimer: This blog post is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. As with any supplement or medication, individuals should consult their healthcare professional prior to usage, as it's important to consider potential risks and benefits in each unique case. Additionally, If you experience any allergic reactions, consult a healthcare professional before attempting any traditional medicine or herbal remedies.