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Hangeshashinto Extract EX Tablets

Hangeshashinto Extract EX Tablets

Regular price $10.00 USD
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二日酔 胃弱

Hangeshashinto Extract EX Tablets 《Kracie Kampo》

Japanese:半夏瀉心湯 hangeshashinto
Chinese:半夏瀉心湯 Ban xia xiexin tang

Internal capacity

36 tablets

Prescription commentary

"Hangeshashinto"is a prescription listed in the Chinese medical book"Kinkiyouryaku", which is said to be a classic of Chinese medicine.

It is effective for heartburn, indigestion, gastroptosis, dyspepsia, and hangovers in people who tend to have loose stools or diarrhea.


Take with water or hot water before or between meals 3 times a day.

Adult (15 years old and over)
4 tablets once
Under 15 years old 7 years old and over
3 tablets once
Under 7 years old 5 years old and over
2 tablets once
under 5 years old
Do not take

Ingredient name/ingredient display

Adult daily dose 12 tablets (1 tablet 380mg) Chuhaneshashinto extract (4/5 amount) … 3,040mg
Extracted from 4.0 g of hange, 2.0 g each of scutellaria root, ginger, carrot, licorice, and sorghum, and 0.8 g of coptis.
Contains silicon dioxide, cross CMC-Na, Mg stearate, cellulose, hypromellose, macrogol and carnauba wax as additives.

medicinal effect

The following symptoms for those with moderate physical strength, feeling stuck in the pit of the stomach, occasional nausea and vomiting, anorexia, stomach rumbling, and a tendency to loose stools or diarrhea:Acute/chronic gastroenteritis, diarrhea/loose stools, Indigestion, gastroptosis, nervous gastritis, weak stomach, hangover, belching, heartburn, stomatitis, neurosis







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