Saikokaryukotsuboreito extract granules
Saikokaryukotsuboreito extract granules
Saikokaryukotsuboreito extract granules
Japanese:柴胡加竜骨牡蛎湯 Saikokaryukotsu-boreito
Chinese:柴胡加龍骨牡蠣湯 Chái hú jiā lónggǔ mǔlì tāng
Internal capacity
24 packs (for 8 days)
Prescription commentary
"Saikokaryukotsuboreito"is a prescription listed in the Chinese medical book"Shokanron", which is said to be a classic of Chinese medicine.
This medicine is effective for symptoms associated with hypertension (palpitations, anxiety, insomnia), neuroses, etc. in people with mental anxiety and palpitations, insomnia, etc.
Take with water or hot water before or between meals 3 times a day.
- Adult (15 years old and over)
- 1 package per time
- Under 15 years old 7 years old and over
- 2/3 packets once
- Under 7 years old 4 years old and over
- 1/2 pack once
- Under 4 years old 2 years old and over
- 1/3 pack once
- under 2 years old
- 1/4 pack once
Ingredient name/ingredient display
Adult dosage per day:3 packets (1.2g/packet) Saikokaryukotsuboreito extract powder M:1,950mg
(Extracted from 2.5 g of psycho, 2.0 g of hange, 1.5 g each of scutellaria and cinnamon, 1.25 g each of scutellaria root, taisou, carrot, gentian, and boley, 0.5 g of rhubarb, and 0.4 g of ginger.)
Contains hydroxypropylcellulose and lactose as additives.
medicinal effect
Moderate or higher physical strength, mental anxiety, palpitations, insomnia, constipation, etc. The following symptoms:concomitant symptoms of hypertension (palpitations, anxiety, insomnia), neurosis, climacteric neurosis, colic in children, constipation.
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